This document describes tags used to design and implement interactive
forms on a web page.
This table:
Support: |
3.0, 3.2 |
1.1+ |
1.0+ |
and these icons:
alert you to tags and attributes that are not supported by all
<A NAME= "anchor-name">
<A HREF= "#anchor-name"> link-text</A>
<A HREF=" url"> link-text</A>
<A HREF=" url#anchor-name"> link-text
The anchor tag defines either a link
or an
anchor in a document. The anchor tag must contain either a
NAME attribute or an HREF attribute, or both.
There are three optional attributes that are no longer commonly used
with anchor, though they are used with
REF= "relationship"
- defines the relationship between this document and the
REV= "relationship"
- defines the relationship between the
this document. (REV stands for reverse, because it is
the reverse of the REF attribute.)
TITLE= "document-name"
- No longer commonly used, indicates the
the document pointed to by the HREF URL.
Both Netscape and Explorer support the TARGET attribute as an
extension. It is often used with frames,
but frames are not required to use it.
TARGET= "target window name"
- Will load the document pointed to by HREF into
the window specified by "target window name"
- The following are the predefined target names:
- Will cause the link to be loaded into a new blank window.
- Will cause the link to be loaded into the same window the
link was in.
- Will cause the link to be loaded into the parent of this
- Will cause the link to be loaded into the full body of this
Anchors with a SHAPE attribute may appear inside
FIG tags. These anchors are described with the FIG
An anchor name can also be defined with the ID attribute in many other
tags. For example, the source:
<P ID=jumppoint>This is a paragraph with a jump
point defined in it.
defines an anchor called jumppoint at the start of the
paragraph. Almost every element, including lists, list items, images,
and headers, can have an ID attribute.
<AREA SHAPE= "shape" ALT= "text"
CO-ORDS= "co-ords" HREF= "URL">
<AREA SHAPE= "shape" ALT= "text"
CO-ORDS= "co-ords" HREF= "URL"
TARGET= "target window name>
<AREA SHAPE= "shape" ALT= "text"
CO-ORDS= "co-ords" NOHREF>
The area tag, valid only within a MAP ,
defines areas that act as hotspots within an image. Typically a map
will have multiple AREA tags; if the user clicks at a
location that is inside two or more defined areas the one that appears
first within the MAP entry is used.
The NOHREF attribute means that clicks here will not
cause a link to be followed.
The SHAPE attribute can be one of RECT ,
gives the co-ordinates, in pixels, measured from the upper left corner
of the image, of the defining points for the shape. For RECT
these are left, top, right, bottom. For CIRCLE they are
Xcentre, Ycentre, radius. For POLY they are x1, y1, x2,
y2, ... xn, yn. The DEFAULT area, maps all areas not
already specified in another AREA tag and no co-ordinates
are required.
If Target is specified then the document pointed to by HREF
will be loaded into the window specified by "target
window name". The following are the predefined target names:
- Will cause the link to be loaded into a new blank window.
- Will cause the link to be loaded into the same window the link
was in.
- Will cause the link to be loaded into the parent of this
- Will cause the link to be loaded into the full body of this
The background sound tag identifies a
.wav , .au ,
resource that will be played when the page is opened. The optional
LOOP attribute will cause the resource to be played
n times. LOOP="INFINITE" will cause the
resource to be played continuously as long as the page is open.
The base font tag defines the base that relative
FONT changes are based on. (Default is 3.)
<BLINK> text </BLINK>
The blink tag highlights the text by having it blink on and off.
<!-- comment text -->
The comment tag includes the actual comment text. Any instance of
--> ends the comment.
Whitespace may be included between the -- and the
> but not between the <! and the first
<EMBED attributes>
alternate HTML </EMBED>
The embed element is used to embed a plugin into a document. The
OBJECT tag can also be used to embed objects. The
attributes of EMBED are:
- "URL" identifies the location of the object to
be embedded.
HEIGHT= number
- This specifies the height of the object, according to the
UNITS attribute.
WIDTH= number
- This specifies the width of the object, according to the UNITS
UNITS= units
- Here units is one of pixels,
meaning the width and height are measured in
pixels, or en, meaning the width and height are
measured in
en spaces.
NAME= text
- This indicates the name used by other objects or elements to
refer to this object.
- This
specifies any parameters that are specific
to the object. Put the name of the parameter in place of
PALETTE= #rgb|#rgb
- Sets the foreground or background color. The first colour is
the foreground.
These escape sequences are used to enter characters such as
<, >, &, and " into HTML documents. The
mnemonics of the original four sequences from HTML 2.0 stand for
Less Than, Greater Than, AMPersand, and double QUOTe. HTML 3.2 adds
NonBreaking SPace, REGistered trademark and COPYright. HTML 3.0 adds EN
SPace, EM SPace, EN DASH, and EM DASH. There are a number of
escape sequences available for accented characters; a
full list is provided by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C.) Use
a space or semi-colon(;) after the
mnemonic to indicate the end of the escape sequence; using a space
will insert a space between the special character and the next part of
the text, while using a semi-colon will not.
- Example:
- <BR> will display as <BR>
<FRAME attributes>
The frame tag appears inside the FRAMESET tag and specifies one
frame in the frameset. The attributes are:
- The URL of the source document to be displayed in this frame.
If the frame does not specify a source it will be displayed as
blank space.
NAME= "window name"
- Here "window name" is the name associated with
this frame. It can be used by the TARGET attribute in
AREA, and
FORM tags to target this frame.
- Here number is the left and right margin
thickness in
- Here number is the top and bottom margin
thickness in
- Here type is one of yes, no or auto. It
specifies if the frame is to have a scroll bar: auto (the default)
means the browser will decide.
- Stops the user from resizing the frame..

- Specifies if the border should be displayed.

- Here number is the spacing between frames in

ALIGN = "alignment" (one of LEFT,
<IFRAME attributes>
frame data <IFRAME>
The IFRAME tag defines a floating frame, and the end
tag is required. The attributes for IFRAME are as
ALIGN= left|center|top|bottom
- This sets the alignment of the frame or of the surrounding
text. The default is
Renders a 3-D edge border around the frame. 1
(default) inserts a border. 0 displays no border.
HEIGHT =height
Controls the height (in pixels) of the floating
Controls the margin height for the frame, in
Controls the margin width for the frame, in
NAME= name
Provides a target name for the frame.
Creates a scrolling frame.
SRC =address
- Displays the source file for the frame.
WIDTH= width
Controls the width of the floating frame, in
<FRAMESET attributes>
frame tags </FRAMESET>
The FRAMESET tag replaces the BODY tag in
a document and is used to split the documents window into a set of
smaller frames. FRAMESET tags can be nested to create
more complicated frame layouts.
NOFRAME tags can also be placed in a frameset. The
attributes are:
ROWS= "row heights"
- Here "row heights" specifies a list of values
for the rows, each one can be specified as a percentage, a pixel
value or as "*". The frameset will be split vertically into frames
based on these values. Rows with "*"'s in them will have any
remaining space split between them.
COLS= "column widths"
- Here "column widths" specifies a list of values
for the columns. The width of each column can be specified as a
percentage, a pixel value or as "*". The frameset will be split
into frames based on these values. Columns with a width of "*"
will split the space that is not assigned to other columns.
<IMG attributes>
The inline image tag displays an image referred to by a URL.
It must contain at least an SRC attribute. The attributes are:
ALIGN= "alignment"
- Here "alignment" should be one of TOP,
MIDDLE, or BOTTOM. This causes the top,
middle, or bottom of the image to be aligned with the text on the
line containing the IMG tag.
"alignment" can also be LEFT or
RIGHT, this moves the image to the left or right of the
screen and allows text to flow around it.
"alignment" should be one of LEFT,
ALT= "text"
- Here "text" is the text to be displayed by a
browser that does not display
images, such as Lynx, or to be used when image display is
BORDER= number
- Here number is the border thickness in
pixels. (Do not use BORDER=0 for images that are
If present, and an AVI
resource is being played, displays controls under the resource.
DYNSRC= "url"
- Specifies an AVI
resource to be played, or a VRML
world. Always include a still image as well with the
attribute, for use by browsers that do not display inline video or
HEIGHT= number
- This specifies the height of the image, according to the UNITS
HSPACE= number
- Here number is the space, in pixels, to leave to
the left and right of the image.
ISMAP=" url"
This attribute indicates that this image is a server side
image map.
LOOP= number
- The optional
LOOP attribute will cause the
resource to be played number times.
LOOP="INFINITE" will cause the resource to be played
continuously as long as the page is open.
LOWSRC= "url"
- Specifies an image to be displayed while the SRC
image is being loaded. This alternate image should take much less
time to download then the SRC image: it should be
lower resolution, black and white, etc.
START= "start option"
- The
START attribute specifies when the browser
should start to play the resource specified with the DYNSRC
attribute. START=FILEOPEN instructs the browser to
play the resource only when the file is opened. START=MOUSEOVER
instructs the browser to play the resource each time the user
moves the mouse cursor over it. START=FILEOPEN,MOUSEOVER
does both.
- Here "URL" identifies the
image source, typically a GIF
JPEG file.
UNITS= units
- Here units is one of pixels,
meaning the width and height are measured in
pixels, or en, meaning the width and height are
measured in en spaces.
USEMAP= "url"
- This attribute overrides the
ISMAP attribute, if
present, and if the browser supports client-side
image maps. It uses the
MAP element found at url to translate
WIDTH= number
- This specifies the width of the image, according to the UNITS
VSPACE= number
- Here number is the space, in
pixels, to leave above and below the image.
<APPLET attributes>
applet-content </APPLET>
The Java applet tag runs a Java applet referred to by a URL.
applet-content consists of optional
PARAM tags, ordinary text and markup to be displayed
by browsers that cannot run Java applets, and a
TEXTFLOW tag if no ordinary text and markup is
included. The attributes of the APPLET tag are:
CODEBASE= "base"
- What "base" should be used when resolving source
relative URLs.
CODE= "code"
- The URL of the applet to be run.
NAME= "applet name"
- The name of the applet.
ALIGN= "alignment"
- Here "alignment" should be one of LEFT,
ALT= "text"
- Here "text" is the text to be displayed by a
browser that does not support applets.
HEIGHT= number
- The height of the applet display area in
WIDTH= number
- The width of the applet display area in
HSPACE= number
- The space, in
pixels, to leave to the left and right of the applet display
VSPACE= number
- The space, in
pixels, to leave above and below the applet display area.
DOWNLOAD= number
- This specifies the order in which they are downloaded.
HEIGHT= pixels
- Specifies the height of the applet display area.
HSPACE= pixels
- Specifies the horizontal space in which the applet displays.
NAME= name
- Identifies an applet to other applets within the HTML page.
TITLE= text
- Specifies an advisory title string.
If an
APPLET element has no ordinary text and markup in its
applet-content, and contains only
PARAM tags, comments,
whitespace, you should add a TEXTFLOW tag. This tag will be
ignored by Web browsers but will keep SGML parsers happy.
<MAP NAME= "name">
area tags </MAP>
The map tag defines a client side
image map It gives a name to a collection of AREA
tags that are superimposed over an
inline image to connect user clicks with URLs.
<MARQUEE ALIGN= "align">
text </MARQUEE>
<MARQUEE BEHAVIOR= "behavior">
text </MARQUEE>
<MARQUEE BGCOLOR= "#rrggbb">
text </MARQUEE>
<MARQUEE BGCOLOR= "colorname">
text </MARQUEE>
<MARQUEE DIRECTION= "direction">
text </MARQUEE>
text </MARQUEE>
text </MARQUEE>
text </MARQUEE>
<MARQUEE LOOP= n> text
text </MARQUEE>
text </MARQUEE>
text </MARQUEE>
text </MARQUEE>
The marquee tag defines a moving piece of text, like a movie
The ALIGN attribute works like the ALIGN
attribute in the
IMG tag, setting the location of the surrounding
text. "align" can be TOP , BOTTOM ,
The BEHAVIOR attribute defines the way the text moves.
SCROLL means that the text slides into the marquee box
and out again, then repeats. SLIDE means that the text
slides into the marquee box, stops when it is all in, then repeats.
ALTERNATE means that the text bounces back and forth
within the marquee box.
The BGCOLOR attribute specifies the colour to be used
for the background. rrggbb is a six digit hexadecimal
number with the first two digits specifying the red value, the middle
two the green value, and the last two the blue value. Some sample
colour values:
- red
- FF0000
- green
- 00FF00
- blue
- 0000FF
- black
- 000000
- white
- grey
- 888888
- yellow
- FFFF00
- cyan
- 00FFFF
Colour names can be used for the BGCOLOR attribute.
Valid colours are: Aqua, Black, Blue, Fuchsia, Gray, Green, Lime,
Maroon, Navy, Olive, Purple, Red, Silver, Teal,Yellow, and White.
The DIRECTION attribute is LEFT or
RIGHT and specifies the direction in which the text should
The HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes size the
marquee box. If n is an absolute number, it is taken to
mean pixels; if n is followed by a % sign it is taken to
mean a percentage of the width or height (as appropriate) of the
The HSPACE and VSPACE attributes specify
a margin to the left and right, or above and below, the marquee box,
in pixels.
The LOOP attribute will cause the marquee to scroll
n times. LOOP="INFINITE" will cause the
marquee to scroll as long as the page is open.
The SCROLLAMOUNT attribute specifies, the amount, in
pixels, to move the scrolling text by each time it is drawn. The
SCROLLDELAY attribute specifies the delay, in milliseconds,
between drawings.
<NOBR> text </NOBR>
The no break tag defines a block of text which will have no line
breaks except those explicitly requested with
BR or suggested with
The NOFRAMES tag specifies HTML that can be used by
browsers that do not support frames. Everything between the start and
end tag is ignored by browsers that understand frames.
<OBJECT> object-content
The object tag will be included in a future HTML standard,
code-named Cougar.
<PARAM NAME= "name" VALUE= "value">
This tag, valid only within an
APPLET element, passes parameters to the applet,
which gets them with the getParameter() method.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE= "language"><!--
script statements --></SCRIPT>
The script tag identifies script code. This can be code to be
executed at this point of the document or may contain functions for
use later in the document. Netscape Navigator supports JavaScript, and
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 supports both JavaScript and VBScript.
The statements are usually but not required to be enclosed in the
comment tag, so that browsers that do not support scripting do not
render the code as text. Functions used by the document are usually
defined in the
HEAD tag so that they are loaded and available before the
user could do anything that might call them.
<SPACER attributes>
The SPACER tag creates an area of white space within
the document. The attributes for this tag are:
TYPE= type
- The
TYPE attribute has three possible values:
horizontal (the default,) vertical, and block.
SIZE= pixels
- The
SIZE attribute only applies when the spacer
has a type of horizontal or vertical .
Then this attribute controls the absolute width or height in
pixels of the spacing added
WIDTH= pixels
- The
WIDTH attribute only applies when the spacer
is of type block . Then this attribute controls the
absolute width in pixels of the spacing rectangle added
HEIGHT= pixels
- The
HEIGHT attribute only applies when the spacer
is of type block . Then this attribute controls the
absolute height in pixels of the spacing rectangle added
ALIGN= alignment
- The
ALIGN attribute only applies when the spacer
is of type block . Then this attribute controls the
alignment of the spacing rectangle in exactly the same way it
would control the alignment of an IMG tag. "alignment"
should be one of LEFT, RIGHT, TOP,
The word break tag identifies a place where a word can be broken,
or where a line can be broken within a
NOBR block.