This document describes tags used to design and implement interactive
forms on a web page.
This table:
Support: |
3.0, 3.2 |
1.1+ |
1.0+ |
and these icons:
alert you to tags and attributes that are not supported by all
The abbreviation tag defines an abbreviation. It is typically
displayed just like normal text, but is used by automatic indexers.
The acronym tag defines an acronym. It is typically displayed just
like normal text, but is used by automatic indexers.
<AU> text </AU>
The author tag defines text that names the author of a document. It
is typically displayed just like normal text, but is used by automatic indexers.
<BANNER attributes </BANNER>
The banner element defines an image or block of text that does not
scroll with the document and is displayed at the top of the screen as
the user scrolls through the document. Details of the attributes are
not yet available -- use a BANNER attribute in the LINK
section of the
The credit tag defines text that credits a figure or quote. It is
valid only within
<DEL> list entries </DEL>
The deleted text tag marks text that has been deleted, for example
in a group authoring situation or a legal document.
<FIG attributes>
figure-content </FIG>
See the
tags for an alternate to this tag.
The figure element is an improvement over the inline image used in
HTML 2.0 for a variety of reasons. The text used to describe the
figure for
non-graphical browsers can contain markup tags, and a separate credit and caption
will be displayed by both graphical
and non-graphical browsers. It also makes imagemaps much easier to
code and independent of the server. At the moment it isn't clear
whether the built-in image maps of FIG or the client-side
image maps of IMG
with a USEMAP attribute will emerge as the long term
alternative to server side image maps. The attributes of FIG
- "URL" identifies the image
source, typically a GIF or JPEG
ALIGN= "alignment"
- "alignment" should be one of TOP,
MIDDLE, or BOTTOM. This causes the top,
middle, or bottom of the image to be aligned with the text on the
line containing the IMG tag.
"alignment" should be one of LEFT,
HEIGHT= number
- This specifies the height of the image, according to the UNITS
WIDTH= number
- This specifies the width of the image, according to the UNITS
UNITS= units
- Here units is one of pixels,
meaning the width and height are measured in pixels,
or en, meaning the width and height are measured in
en spaces. These units are not used for the shape
co-ordinates of any anchor tags in the figure.
- Stops text from flowing around the figure.
- Points to a script that handles clicks and drags.
The figure-content contains the following optional elements, in
this order:
SRC=" url">
<CAPTION> caption-text</CAPTION>
Figure description text, including markup (headers,
lists, etc.) to substitute for the image.
SHAPE=" shape">link-text</A>
<CREDIT >credit-text</CREDIT>
The SHAPE attribute is one of:
- default
- circle x, y, r
- rect x, y, w, h
- circle x, y, r
- polygon x1, y1, x2, y2, ...
This implements a figure with a built-in imagemap, freeing the
browser from asking the server how to respond to a click. If the user
clicks within the area defined by the anchor's SHAPE
attribute, the link is followed. (If the click is outside all the
defined shapes, the link identified as default is
followed.) The numerical values provided are interpreted as pixels if
they are integers, or as fractions of the screen width if they are not
integers, with the origin at the top left corner of the figure. There
is an intelligent mechanism for dealing with a click in an area that
is in more than one shape anchor. If the browser does not display
graphics, the figure description text is displayed, and some of it is
highlighted as link text.
<FN ID= anchor-name>
text </FN>
The footnote tag defines a footnote, ideally displayed in a pop-up
window. The text that refers to this footnote does so with a
standard anchor tag using anchor-name.
<TAB INDENT= number>
<TAB TO= tab id ALIGN= align>
<TAB DP= character>
The horizontal tab tag is used to set or jump to a horizontal tab.
The INDENT attribute specifies the amount in en spaces
to set this indent to. The align attribute can be one of
DECIMAL and will position the following text to the tab
accordingly. The dp sets the tab to the position that
the next character is found The default character is
<INS> text </INS>
The inserted text tag marks text that has been inserted, for
example in a group authoring situation or a legal document.
<LANG> text </LANG>
The language tag is used to alter the language used for a block of
<LH> text </LH>
The list heading tag defines the heading for an ordered, unordered,
definition list. Other tags may be embedded in a list heading. It
must come before any List Item (LI)
or Definition Term (DT)
tags in the list.
<MATH> math-content </MATH>
The math tag introduces a description of an equation or formula.
math-content is not yet fully defined.
<NOTE> text </NOTE>
<NOTE CLASS= class>
text </NOTE>
<NOTE SRC= URL> text
The note tag defines text that forms a note. Many browsers display
it in an indented block surrounded by blank lines with a graphic. The
CLASS attribute specifies the type of note, such as a
warning, caution, or note. The graphic used will be based on the
CLASS. The SRC attribute can be used to override
the graphic that would be used by default.
<OVERLAY attributes>
Valid only within a figure, the overlay element speeds up image
rendering by drawing small changes over a base figure. The attributes
- Here "URL" identifies the image source,
typically a GIF or JPEG file.
X= number
- This specifies the offset to the right within the base image
from the top left corner, according to the
Y= number
- This specifies the offset to the bottom within the base image
from the top left corner, according to the
HEIGHT= number
- This specifies the height of the image, according to the
UNITS attribute.
WIDTH= number
- This specifies the width of the image, according to the
UNITS attribute.
UNITS= units
- Here units is one of pixels,
meaning the width and height are measured in pixels, or en,
meaning the width and height are measured in en spaces.
- Points to a script that handles clicks and drags.
The person tag is used around names of people mentioned in a
document. It is typically displayed just like normal text, but is used
by automatic indexers
<Q> text </Q>
The quote tag defines text that should be displayed as a short
quote. For English language documents this means the text will be
surrounded with double quote (") symbols. Quotes nested within quotes
will typically be displayed surround by single quote (') symbols.
<RANGE FROM= "from id" UNTIL= "until
The range tag, which is valid only in the HEAD
section, defines a range within the document. The FROM
and UNTIL attributes refer to ID's of tags within the
document. The SPOT tag can be used to specify a location
in the document where there is no