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Not all HTML tags are in this single file. The comprehensive list has been split into the following eight categories:

  • Forms Tags: tags used to design and implement interactive forms
  • Tables Tags: tags used in tables
  • List Tags: tags associated with lists
  • Old HTML 3.0 Tags: tags included in the abandoned HTML 3.0 draft and not incorporated into later drafts of HTML
  • Toplevel Tags: tags that affect an entire web page or, like the division tag, a large part of one
  • Character Formatting Tags: tags that change the formatting of a set of characters and do not cause a line break
  • Block Formatting Tags: tags that change the formatting of a block of characters and cause a line break before and after the tag
  • Miscellaneous Tags: tags that don't fit our other categories, including the crucial anchor tag (used for creating hypertext links) and inline image tags


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