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  • A guy with your IQ should have a low voice too!
  • A half-wit gave you a piece of his mind, and you held on to it.
  • After meeting you, I've decided I am in favor of abortion in cases of incest.
  • All of your ancestors must number in the millions; it's hard to believe that many people are to blame for producing you.
  • All that you are you owe to your parents. Why don't you send them a penny and square the account?
  • Any friend of yours ... is a friend of yours.
  • Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental!
  • Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advice.
  • Are you always so stupid or is today a special occasion?
  • Are your parents siblings?
  • At least you are not obnoxious like so many other people - you are obnoxious in a different and worse way!
  • Believe me, I don't want to make a monkey out of you. Why should I take all the credit?
  • Better at sex than anyone, now all he needs is a partner.
  • Brains aren't everything. In fact, in your case they're nothing!
  • Calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people.
  • Can I borrow your face for a few days while my ass is on vacation?
  • Careful now, don't let your brains go to your head!
  • Converse with any plankton lately?
  • Diarrhea of the mouth; constipation of the ideas.
  • Did the mental hospital test too many drugs on you today?
  • Did you eat paint chips when you were a kid?
  • Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home?
  • Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you'd had enough oxygen at birth?
  • Do you have to leave so soon? I was about to poison the tea.
  • Do you want me to accept you as you are or do you want me to like you?
  • Doesn't know the meaning of the word fear, but then again he doesn't know the meaning of most words.
  • Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent!
  • Don't get insulted, but is your job devoted to spreading ignorance?
  • Don't let your mind wander -- it's too little to be let out alone.
  • Don't thank me for insulting you. It was my pleasure.
  • Don't think, it may sprain your brain!
  • Don't you have a terribly empty feeling ---- in your skull?
  • Don't you love nature, despite what it did to you?
  • Don't you need a license to be that ugly?
  • Don't you realize that there are enough people to hate in the world already without your working so hard to give us another?
  • Ever since I saw you in your family tree I've wanted to cut it down.
  • Every girl has the right to be ugly, but you abused the privilege.
  • Everyone is gifted. Some open the package sooner.
  • Excellent time to become a missing person.
  • Fat? You're not fat, you're just ... fat.
  • For two cents I'd give you a piece of my mind - and all of yours.
  • Go ahead, tell them everything you know. It'll only take 10 seconds.
  • Go fart peas at the moon!!!
  • Grasp your ears firmly and remove your head from your ass.
  • Has reached rock bottom and shows signs of starting to dig.
  • Has the IQ of lint.
  • Have you considered suing your brains for non-support?
  • He can open his mail with that nose!
  • He doesn't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt.
  • He has a mechanical mind. Too bad he forgot to wind it up this morning.
  • He is always lost in thought -- it's unfamiliar territory.
  • He is dark and handsome. When it's dark, he's handsome.
  • He is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.
  • He is living proof that man can live without a brain!
  • He is so short, when it rains he is always the last one to know.
  • He is the kind of a man that you would use as a blueprint to build an idiot.
  • He named the street he owned after his wife. What a grand statement of his love for her; for she was cold, hard, cracked, and only gets plowed around the holidays.
  • He would be out of his depth in a parking lot puddle.
  • He'd steal the straw from his mother's kennel.
  • Hello - tall, dark and obnoxious!
  • Here's 20 cents. Call all your friends and bring back some change!
  • He's got that far away look. The farther he gets, the better he looks.
  • He's not stupid; he's possessed by a retarded ghost.
  • He's so dense that light bends around him.
  • He's so fat, he has the only car in town with stretch marks.
  • He's the first in his family born without a tail.
  • He's the reason brothers and sisters shouldn't marry.
  • He's so short he can sit on a piece of toilet paper and dangle his feet.
  • Hey, act your age -- senile!
  • Hi! I'm a human being! What are you?
  • His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of morbid curiosity.
  • His origins are so low, you'd have to limbo under his family tree.
  • His personality's split so many ways he goes alone for group therapy.
  • How did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open?
  • I always wanted to be a trouble-shooter but now I see you are not worth it!
  • I believe in respect for the dead; in fact I could only respect you if you WERE dead.
  • I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you've never used it.
  • I bet your mother has a loud bark!
  • I can't seem to remember you name, and please don't help me!
  • I can't talk to you right now; tell me, where will you be in ten years?
  • I don't consider you a vulture. I consider you something a vulture would eat.
  • I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works!
  • I don't know who you are, but whatever it is, I'm sure everyone will agree with me.
  • I don't mind that you are talking so long as you don't mind that I'm not listening.
  • I don't think you are a fool. But then what's MY opinion against thousands of others?
  • I don't want you to turn the other cheek. It's just as ugly.
  • I feel sorry for you because you are so homely but I feel even sorrier for other people because they have to look at you.
  • I hear the only place you're ever invited is outside.
  • I hear what you're saying but I just don't care.
  • I hear you changed your mind! What did you do with the diaper?
  • I hear you were born on a farm. Any more in the litter?
  • I hear you were born on April 2; a day too late!
  • I heard you got a brain transplant and the brain rejected you!
  • I heard you went to have your head examined but the doctors found nothing there.
  • I know you are nobody's fool but maybe someone will adopt you.
  • I know you're a self-made man. It's nice of you to take the blame!
  • I know you're not as stupid as you look. Nobody could be!
  • I like you. People say I've no taste, but I like you
  • I like your approach, now let's see your departure.
  • I thought of you all day today. I was at the zoo.
  • I used to think that you were a big pain in the neck. Now I have a much lower opinion of you.
  • I want nothing out of you but breathing, and very little of that!
  • I would ask you how old you are but I know you can't count that high.
  • I would have liked to insult you, but with your intelligence you wouldn't get offended.
  • I'd like to give you a going-away present...but you have to do your part.
  • I'd like to help you out. Which way did you come in?
  • I'd like to leave you with one thought...but I'm not sure you have a place to put it!
  • I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.
  • I'd love to go out with you, but my favorite commercial is on TV.
  • I'd rather pass a kidney stone than spend another night with you.
  • I'd slap you senseless...but I can't spare three seconds!
  • If brains were rain, you`d be a desert.
  • If I ever need a brain transplant, I'd choose yours because I'd want a brain that had never been used.
  • If I had a face like yours, I'd sue my parents!
  • If I promise to miss you, will you go away?
  • If I said anything to you that I should be sorry for, I'm glad.
  • If I want any shit outta you I'll squeeze your head.
  • If I want your stupid opinion, I'll beat it out of you.
  • If I wanted to hear from an ass, I'd fart.
  • If I were as ugly as you are, I wouldn't say hello, I'd say boo!
  • If idiots could fly, this would be an airport.
  • If we were to kill everybody who hates you, it wouldn't be murder; it would be genocide!
  • If what you don't know can't hurt you, she's practically invulnerable.
  • If you don't like my opinion of you - improve yourself!
  • If you ever tax your brain, don't charge more than a penny.
  • If you give him a penny for his thoughts, you get change back.
  • If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean.
  • If you were twice as smart, you'd still be stupid.
  • If your brain were chocolate, it wouldn't fill an M&M.
  • Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever.
  • I'll never forget the first time we met - although I'll keep trying.
  • I'm blonde, what's your excuse?
  • I'm busy now. Can I ignore you some other time?
  • I'm glad to see you're not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance.
  • I'm going to memorize your name and throw my head away.
  • I'm not as dumb as you look.
  • Is that your nose or are you eating a banana?
  • I've only got one nerve left, and you're getting on it.
  • I've seen people like you, but I had to pay admission!
  • Keep talking, someday you'll say something intelligent!
  • Keep talking. I always yawn when I'm interested.
  • Learn from your parents' mistakes - use birth control!
  • Look, don't go to a mind reader; go to a palmist; I know you've got a palm.
  • Make a mental note . . . oh, I see you're out of paper!
  • Make somebody happy. Mind your own business.
  • Nice laugh, ever think about working in a haunted house?
  • Nobody says that you are dumb. They just say you were sixteen years old before you learned how to wave good-bye.
  • Of all the people I've met you're certainly one of them.
  • Ordinarily people live and learn. You just live.
  • Pardon me, but you've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn.
  • People say that you are the perfect idiot. I say that you are not perfect but you are doing all right.
  • Please breathe the other way. You're bleaching my hair.
  • She could eat a watermelon through a picket fence!
  • She's got more chins than the Hong Kong telephone book.
  • She's like Taco Bell. When people see her, they run for the border.
  • She's so ugly they used to put a pot roast in her lap so the dog would play with her.
  • She's so ugly, she'd make a freight train take a dirt road!
  • So, a thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey.
  • Some drink from the fountain of knowledge, but he just gargled.
  • Some folks are so dumb, they have to be watered twice a week.
  • Some people are has-beens. You are a never-was.
  • Some people don't hesitate to speak their minds because they have nothing to lose.
  • Talk is cheap, but so are you.
  • The inbreeding is certainly obvious in your family.
  • The next time you shave, could you stand a little closer to the razor?
  • The only thing he brought to this job was his car.
  • The overwhelming power of the sex drive was demonstrated by the fact that someone was willing to father you.
  • The twinkle in his eyes is actually the sun shining between his ears.
  • There is no vaccine against stupidity.
  • They just invented a new coffin just for you that goes over the head. It's for people who are dead from the neck up.
  • They say opposites attract. I hope you meet someone who is good-looking, intelligent, and cultured.
  • They say space is a dangerous place . . . especially if it's between your ears!
  • They shot him through the stupid forest, and he didn't miss a tree.
  • Thinking isn't your strong suit, is it?
  • Too bad stupidity isn't painful.
  • Well, I'll see you in my dreams - if I eat too much.
  • What do you and a Tampax have in common? Both of you are stuck up bitches!
  • What he lacks in intelligence, he more than makes up for in stupidity.
  • Whatever anyone says to you goes in one ear and out the other because nothing is blocking traffic.
  • When God was throwing intelligence down to the Earth, you were holding an umbrella.
  • When you fell out of the ugly tree, you hit every branch on the way down.
  • When you were a child your mother wanted to hire someone to take care of you but the Mafia wanted too much.
  • Who am I calling "stupid"? I don't know. What's your name?
  • Why don't you go to the library and brush up on your ignorance?
  • You are about as useful as a windshield wiper on a goat's ass.
  • You are so dumb you sit on the TV and watch the sofa.
  • You are so fat that I hear you were arrested three times for jay-walking when all the time you were just standing on the corner waiting for the light to change.
  • You are so stupid you got hit by a parked car
  • You could throw her in the river and skim ugly for two days.
  • You don't sweat much, for a fat girl.
  • You have a face only a mother could love - and she hates it!
  • You have a good weapon against muggers - your face!
  • You have an inferiority complex - and it's fully justified.
  • You liked your first chin so much, you added two more.
  • You must have a low opinion of people if you think they're your equals.
  • You must have gotten up on the wrong side of the cage this morning.
  • You remind me of the ocean - you make me sick.
  • You say that you are always bright and early. Well OK, we know you are early.
  • You should be the poster child for birth control.
  • You should toss out more of your funny remarks; that's all they're good for.
  • You started at the bottom - and it's been downhill ever since.
  • You were the answer to a prayer. Your parents prayed that the world would be made to suffer and here you came along.
  • Your family tree is good but you are the sap.
  • You're a habit I'd like to kick; with both feet.
  • You're like one of those "idiot savants," except without the "savant" part.
  • You're not yourself today. I noticed the improvement immediately.
  • You're so dumb you thought Taco Bell was a phone company.
  • You're so fat when you jumped up you got stuck.
  • You're so fat you got baptized at Sea World.
  • You're so fat you laid down in the ocean and Spain claimed you as the New World.
  • You're so fat you saw 90210 on a scale.
  • You're so fat you use hoola-hoops to keep your socks up.
  • You're so old you drove a chariot to school.
  • You're so stupid you threw a rock at the ground and missed.
  • You're so ugly when you went to a haunted house they offered you a job.
  • You're so ugly you almost look like your mother.
  • You're so ugly you have to trick or treat over the phone.
  • You're so ugly you make blind kids cry.
  • You've got your head so far up your ass you can chew your food twice.
  • You've never been outspoken; no one has ever been able to.

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