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Every once in a while, you run across something so conspiratorial, that you think…this..this… has gotta be a joke.

Wow, the CIA Web Page for Kids.

So the CIA’s looking to improve its image—and it’s hit on the perfect idea. Put up a new web page that explains the agency to kids! That’s right! A geography quiz—how to gather information and analyze it. Tours of Langley by cyber-bomb sniffing dogs. Hmm. What do you know—no Castro. No Bay of Pigs. What a shock.

In fact, none of the useful stuff is in here. Nothing about how to set up your own patsy-- or disassemble an M-16 in gym class. No tips about destabilizing the lunchroom power structure. No fun & helpful hints on how to liquidate that schoolyard bully using only a juice box and a hackey sack. Just a lot of dopey pictures of George Bush.

The CIA says all this is about Bill Clinton telling federal agencies to put more educational material online. It’s not about recruiting. Oh no no no no.

The reality is, The Company needs all the half-pint spooks it can get right now—they’re scared like mice. Or more accurately---scared OF mice.

See, these days it’s starting to look like any half-baked hacker with two paper cups, a bit of string, and a Vic-20—can just bust on into government computers and redecorate the place.

Stealing software from the Pentagon, Hacking into NASA—next thing you know, they’ll be breaking out the missile codes, and reprogramming the Shuttle so the Canadarm flips Houston the bird.

Isn’t that just the kind of thing you want to see, sitting over your cruller and paper in the morning? "Oh, look, honey--apparently someone named Terminator Bunny figured out how to nuke Utah—pass the butter, please."

See, Langley knows the score—they’re fighting fire with fire. It’s all about building a better mousetrap. Teenage Hackers wreaking Havoc? No problem—just wait’ll you sic a bunch of six year olds with keyboard skills on ‘em. Oh yeah.

Recruit a kindergarden class of first rate counter-programmers, and these kids’ll shut out the hacker threat, and still be in bed by 8:30. I’ve seen the future of Counter-Intelligence, my friends—and it’s wearing Elmo pajamas.

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