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Every year, parks in London alone are doused in one million gallons of dog urine.

The germs present in human faces can pass through up to ten layers of toilet paper.

The best recorded distance for projectile vomiting is 27 feet.

If your body's natural defenses failed, the bacteria in your gut would consume you within 48 hours, literally eating you from the inside out.

Parasites count for 0.01% of your body weight.

The longest recorded tapeworm found in the human body was 33 meters in length.

A woman who had recently visited South America, where she had salaried in local rainforest, began to experience severe pains in her left ear, accompanied by headaches, dizziness and constant rustling sounds, at first put down to tinnitis. It became so serious that exploratory surgery was required, which revealed that a spider which had become trapped in her ear. Eventually it had eaten through her eardrum and was living within the aural cavity. The rustling sounds were from the spider crawling around inside her skull. An egg sac was also removed...

still more to come...!


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